Previous Shows & Results
The Bloodhound Club Open Show November 2024
Best In Show : Sam Clarks, Boru's Element of Surprise at Farlap (Imp Can)
res BIS : Sam Clarks, Farlap Keepsake
Best Puppy in Show: Lynda Hayden and Sam Clarks, Farlap Krumble
Best Veteran In Show: Tracie Howie and Sue Emrys-Jones, Ch Marksbury Hessie
The Bloodhound Club Championship Show June 2024
Best In Show/Dog CC:
Ms L.S. Priestley, Ch Maplemead Malazar Of Quikotic
Res. Best In Show/Bitch CC:
Miss S Clark and Mrs L Hayden, Ch Farlap Qui Martha (ai)
Best Puppy In Show:
Miss SL Clark, Farlap Keepsake
Best Veteran In Show
Mrs T Howie & Mrs S Emrys Jones, Ch Marksbury Hessie
Class results:
Minor Puppy Dog
1st Farlap Keepsake
Puppy Dog
1st Farlap Kaleb
Junior Dog
1st Graceminster Reverance (ai)
PG Dog
1st Marksbury Rockafella at Karames
2nd Houndseeker Dauntless JW
3rd Badgershill Played all The Fools lrc
Limit Dog
1st Moorlander Dior
2nd Marksbury Railside of Quikotic
3rd Badgershill Broke All The Rules lrc (ai)
Open Dog
1st Ch Maplemead Malazar of Quikotic
2nd Ch Marksbury Malfoy
3rd Castledee Sweet Dreams at Harvidene
4th Uncle Jules Rue Du Vieux Canal
Puppy Bitch
1st Immervahr Vera
2nd Farlap Krumble
Junior Bitch
1st Graceminster Rhyme
Novice Bitch
1st Maplemead Miss Melba Naf Taf
PG Bitch
1st Wychway-Crowns Ghillie Gins Island at Culsalmond naf taf (Imp USA)
Limit Bitch
1st Graceminster Ruby Slippers (ai)
2nd Borus Abstract at Farlap (Imp Can)
3rd Moorlander Givenchy
Open Bitch
1st Ch Farlap Qui Martha
2nd Marksbury Regina at Millvery
3rd Ch Badina Diana at Culsalmond
WT Dog or Bitch
1st Ch Moorlander Cacharel
2nd Moorlander Guy Laroche
Veteran Dog or Bitch
1st Ch Marksbury Hessie
2nd Ch Railside Pluto at Quikotic
Best Brace and Best Team
Ms L Priestley’ s brace and team
The Bloodhound Club Show Sub Committee would like to thank everyone who made this show such a huge success, especially to our judge Susan LaCroix Hamil, who went over all the hounds with her gentle manner and expert eye and made it a thoroughly enjoyable day.
So many people went above and beyond to make sure all the exhibitors and hounds went home with wonderful goody bags, treats and prizes, and the sponsors list was long!
Once again Mandy put together a huge raffle that had something for everyone.
Our thanks as always go to “Team Letheren” who put on their usual wonderful spread of food and a delicious judge’s luncheon and to Dr Helen Almey for her expert stewarding and ring management.
Special thanks must go to Mary Fish who at just a few hours’ notice, drove to get the whole ring set up, from Northants to Herts, and then delivered it to the show, and to all those selfless people who were there at 7am setting up and still there at 5pm after everyone else had left, packing up the show, and cleaning the venue. Without these stalwart helpers, there simply would be no show for you all to attend. Half of them weren’t even committee members and are just kind-hearted people who like to help.
We were all very disappointed that our Chairman Keith couldn’t be there after such a long time in the planning, it was really bad timing to catch Covid, so thankyou to those who stood in, stepped up, helped out and made sure the day ran smoothly, with a great atmosphere.
The Bloodhound Club Open Show 2024
judged by Serena Parker (Serenaker)
Best In Show was Sam Clarks bitch hound “Borus Element Of Surprise At Farlap (Imp Can”)
Reserve BIS was Lorraine Priestlys dog hound “Marksbury Railway at Quikotic.”
Best Puppy In Show went to Julie Hudsons “ Graceminster Ruby Slippers”
The Bloodhound Club Open Show 2023
Held on Saturday 5th February 2023
Judge Gavin Robertson (Soletrader)
Best Dog (and Best In Show): Tracie Howie and Sue Emrys Jones: Ch. Marksbury Malfoy
Best Bitch and res BIS Sam Clarks: Boru's Element of Surprise at Farlap (Imp Can).
Res dog and also Best Puppy In Show: Mrs Julie Hudsons Graceminster Rumble (ai)
Reserve bitch: Tracie Howie and Sue Emrys Jones, Colin Avery, Ken & Pat Millers: Marksbury Regina at Millvery
The Bloodhound Club Championship Show 2022
Held on Saturday 4th June 2022
Judge: Carol Hutchinson (Herdus)
Best in Show & Dog CC
Lorraine Priestleys “Ch. Maplemead Malazar of Quikotic”
Reserve Best in Show & Bitch CC
Sam Clarks “Farlap Miss Print”
Best Puppy:
Sam Clarks “Boru’s Element of Surprise at Farlap(naf) (Imp Can)”
The Bloodhound Club Spring Open Show 2022
held on Saturday 12th February 2022
Judge David Evans.
Best In Show - Burnside and Manley's Houndseeker Amber
Res Best In Show - Griffiths and Mortimore's Houndseeker Alaric
Best Puppy In Show - Burnside's Blistatelnaya Xenia Iz Doma Markovyh
Best Dog - Griffiths and Mortimore's Houndseeker Alaric
Res Best Dog - Whiteside's Houndseeker Cardinal
Best Bitch - Burnside and Manley's Houndseeker Amber
Res Best Bitch - Burnside and Manley's Houndseeker Bewitched
Best Puppy Bitch - Burnside's Blistatelnaya Xenia Iz Doma Markovyh
The Bloodhound Club
2021 Championship Show
Held on 10th July 2021
Judged by David Gore (Silverspring)
BIS: Clark's Farlap Miss Print
Reserve BIS: Priestley's Maplemead Malazar of Quikotic
The Bloodhound Club held a successful Championship show on July 10th, under full covid-19 rules and restrictions.
Our judge was David Gore (Silversprings), who, from an entry of 23 hounds found his Bitch CC and best in Show in Sam Clarks Farlap Miss Print and Dog CC and reserve BIS Lorraine Priestleys Maplemead Malazar at Quikotic.
Res Dog CC was Sam Clarks Ch. Borus Fifty mission Cap at Farlap (imp Can)
and Res Bitch CC was Tracie Howies Ch. Marksbury Wheedle Von Jaegermann.
The Bloodhound Club Spring Open Show 2020
This was the last show which was held, before the COVID19 outbreak.
The judge Simon Burton ( Glencorrie )
had an entry 13 hounds.
due to the weather the Hounds were lined up indoors and the movement was assessed outside.
Simon was able to award first in 8 classes to different hounds, with his
Best in Show rising from the Puppy Dog class.
BIS: Lorraine Priestley's Maplemead Malazar of Quikotic
Reserve Best Dog was awarded to Griffiths and Mortimores Houndseeker Alaric
The Bloodhound Club Autumn Open Show 2019
held on Sunday 3rd November
Judged by: Sue Finnett (Hyndsight)
Best in Show: Williams' Sanft Paisley
Best Opposite Sex: Jones' Harvidene Devil in Disguise
Best Puppy: Clark's Boru Carp Diem Baby at Farlap (imp, Can)
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2019 Championship Show
Held on 1st June 2019
Judged by Birgit Sluiter who traveled from The Netherlands especially for our Annual Championship show.
BIS: Burnside and Manleys Houndseeker Amber (AI)
Reserve BIS: Priestleys Ch Railside Pluto at Quikotic
Best Puppy: Burnside and Manleys Houndseeker Bewitched (AI)
Spring Open Show 2019
Held on Saturday 16th February 2019
We had an unexpected visit from a KC Field Officer who rated the organisation of the show " Excellent "
Judged by Mrs Dianne Reid (Maudaxi)
Dianne found her winners, from an entry of 15, in (with a distinctly Canadian theme ):
Best in Show:
Sam Clark’s Boru’s Fifty Mission Cap at Farlap (imp, Can)
Reserve Best in Show:
Gore, Almey & Dewey's Edenhill The Loyalist Soonipi (imp Can)
Best Puppy:
Sam Clark’s Boru's Abstract at Farlap (imp, Can)
Autumn Open Show 2018
Held on Sunday 4th November 2018
Judged by Miss Lorraine Priestley (Quikotic)
Best in Show:
McKenzie's Teesidez Bullen of Moorlander
Reserve Best in Show:
Shaw-Browne's Kingsheart Middleman
Championship Show 2018
Held on Saturday 2nd June 2018
Judged by Mary Fish (Delacour)
Best in Show:
Priestley's Ch. Railside Pluto at Quikotic
Reserve Best in Show:
Howie's Marksbury Wheedle von Jaegersmann
Best Puppy:
Gore, Almey & Dewey's Edenhill The Loyalist Soonipi (imp Can)
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Spring Open Show 2018
Held on Saturday 17th February 2018
Judged by Debbie Pownall (Akharu)
Best in Show:
Manley and Burnside's Houndseeker Abbot (AI)
Reserve Best in Show:
Gore, Almey & Dewey's Edenhill The Loyalist Soonipi (imp, Can)
Autumn Open Show 2017
Held on 5th November 2017
Judged by Robert A Hutchinson (Herdus)
Best in Show:
Manley and Burnside's Houndseeker Nina Simone Truffle Medievale at Houndseeker (Imp Bel)
Reserve Best in Show:
Manley and Burnside's Defender Od Had Potoka at Houndseeker (Imp Cze)
Best Puppy:
Clark's Boru's Fifty Mission Cap at Farlap (Imp Can)
Championship Show 2017
Held on 3rd June 2017
Judged by Diana Dixon
Best in Show:
Higginbottom's Ch Raliside Phyllis
Reserve Best in Show:
Priestley's Ch Railside Pluto at Quikotic
Spring Open Show 2017
Held February 2017
Judged by Bobbie Edwards
Best in Show:
Burnside and Manley's Nina Simone Truffe Medievale at Houndseeker
Reserve Best in Show:
Clark's Passionfruit Truffe Medievale at Farlap
Best Puppy:
Clark's Passionfruit Truffe Medievale at Farlap